Planned Giving
Let’s make this simple. Planned Giving, is a charitable gift made in a lifetime or at death as part of your overall financial plan or estate.

What is Planned Giving?
We all have the opportunity to be generous here on earth and when we go home to be with the Lord. Being strategic in our planning and giving can not only have Kingdom impact, but also be tax efficient and potentially provide you with income.
Since 1947, the Florida Baptist Foundation has helped many generous Christians give more effectively to the ministries that are near to their hearts with tax-wise charitable gifts and estate gifts. We are here to help you make a Strategic Stewardship Plan that will help you make an impact for future generations as you seek to bless and support ministries that matter. Most people do not plan for that day. But you can, and we can assist you.
It might seem complex, we understand. That is why we are here, to make all things Stewardship. Simplified. Let us look at some ways you can make non-cash gifts to impact the Kingdom, now and in the future.
Planned Giving Services Assist You:
(click below to learn more)

Pastor David Acton
New Hope Church - Cape Coral, FL
They led the large group sessions, then met with our members individually and followed up a few weeks later to make sure there were no open questions.