Legacy & Estate Planning
Florida Baptist Foundation is the Legacy & Estate planning focus of Florida Baptist Financial Services. We provide services to individuals and families in Christian estate stewardship and planning. Christian estate planning provides first for the needs of the family and for Kingdom causes. It allows YOU to choose how your estate will be distributed, not the State of Florida.
How We Can Help
Estate Planning could very well be THE most significant act of stewardship that we can make in our life! The Florida Baptist Foundation seeks to help individuals and families in the area of Christian estate stewardship and planning. You can provide for Kingdom Impact and your family. Planning allows YOU to choose how your legacy and your estate will be distributed to both people and charity.
Since 1947, we have served Christians and their families in the stewarding of all that God has provided them. Your estate can benefit individuals, families, churches, and the missions and ministry efforts of Florida Baptist churches, institutions, and agencies.
Our goal is to encourage all to be both purposeful and intentional. We believe your plan should reflect your values. We work to accomplish this by sharing opportunities to both establish and manage your legacy/estate plan. Your plan may even offer you a current tax deduction for establishing a deferred gift.
We believe that your planned generosity can impact future generations for the positive. We understand this may sound daunting, we are here to help make all things Stewardship. Simplified.
Legacy & Estate Planning services include:
(click below to learn more)

Pastor David Acton
New Hope Church - Cape Coral, FL
The FBFS team did an excellent job sharing the information and then following up with our church members. They really took care of everything!

Dr Mark Gonzales, AMS
Royal Palm Baptist Association - Ft Myers
While they've added some great workshops and services regarding church loans, fundraising, generosity at church, estate planning, financial discipleship, fiscal responsibility and more, they have also made it ridiculously understandable, accessible, and relatable to our SW Florida pastors and churches.