
Gifts of Stock

Stock gifts are a smart and rather simple way to support your church or ministry. By gifting, instead of selling and making a gift of the cash, you can avoid any capital gains taxes on the appreciated asset.

You can contact us below to help you make this gift by giving us some important details about the actual stock and number of shares, along with your church or ministry you would like to support.

You will complete this (Click here for Sample gift letter) and forward to the Foundation. Then you can give the following information to your broker;


Donor should send a letter to the Florida Baptist Foundation notifying them of the donor’s intentions (name of stock/fund, number of shares, name and address of the beneficiary Church/Ministry, and approximate day the transfer will be made). (Click here for a Sample gift letter).  This letter should be faxed and then the original be mailed.  You may also advise us if there is to be any special designation for the proceeds to the Church/Ministry in your letter.

Donor will instruct his/her broker to forward stock or fund to:
Fidelity Investments   DTC #0226
For account of Florida Baptist Foundation
Corporate Special Account # 179-342351
Attn: Ross Roggensack, Oak City Consulting, LLC  (919) 844-6450

Information needed from the Transferring Firm:
Contra account number:
Contra account name:
DTC #:

Once we receive the gift letter from you and the stock/fund shares are transferred into the Foundation’s account, we will notify Mr. Roggensack/Fidelity Investments that the stock/fund shares are to be sold immediately and the proceeds will be sent to the Foundation for us to gift to your Church/Ministry of choice. The Foundation will provide you with a gift receipt for tax purposes.

Florida Baptist Foundation currently does not charge a fee for this service. There is a flat transaction fee charged by Fidelity Investments.  This is an institutional level fee, based upon the brokerage relationship of the Foundation and the consultant.